Universities Admission Pattern for all Nigerian Students See 2025 Update
ADS! Download JAMB CBT Software Now for FREE! – Universities Admission Pattern – In this article, I will be explaining in detail how the Universities Admission Pattern will be conducted for the year 2025/2026 session. The Former Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission, NUC, Professor Peter Okebukola, has disclosed the scrapping of Post-UTME. However,
Universities Admission Pattern for all Nigerian Students See 2025 Update
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– Universities Admission Pattern –
In this article, I will be explaining in detail how the Universities Admission Pattern will be conducted for the year 2025/2026 session.
The Former Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission, NUC, Professor Peter Okebukola, has disclosed the scrapping of Post-UTME.
However, this means that tertiary institutions will now go back to the agreement NUC had with Vice-Chancellor in 2004 when it introduced Post-UTME which is to screen candidates on oral interviews and a written essay.
Admission Guide to All Tertiary Aspirants
Students seeking admission may have got a lifeline following a new set of guidelines by the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB).
According to The Nation, the board on Monday, July 4, explained that the new guidelines for the admission process were made through its website following consultations with universities and other tertiary institutions in the country.
The new admission process would work for candidates who wrote the examination and direct entry, with the board explaining that universities would collect screening fees from candidates at the end of the admission process.
The board stated: “Before a candidate can be considered for screening, he/she must have been given provisional admission by JAMB. The JAMB admission checker portal is going to be opened soon for this process, so praying is all you can do now.”
Explaining further, JAMB stated that the point system where admission would depend on the point tally of the candidate means: “JAMB’s provisional admission no longer makes much sense this year, your points tally will decide your faith.
“The points are evenly spread out between your O’level and JAMB results to provide fair competition for all.
“In the first case, any candidate who submits only one result which contains his/her relevant subjects already has 10 points, the exam could be NECO, WAEC, GCE etc, but any candidate who has two sittings only gets two points. So, this means that aspirants with only one result are at an advantage but only just.”
Candidates also have more chances of gaining admission with better grades in their O’level thus: A – 6 marks, B – 4 marks, C – 3 marks.
In addition, the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) scores also have implications during the admission process.
180 – 200 (or 20 – 23 marks), 200 – 250 (or 24 – 33 points), 251 – 300 (or 34 – 43), 300 – 400 (or 44 – 60 points) as well as five JAMB results per point added.
The admission board informed also that a candidate with 180 – 185 gets 20 points, a candidate with 186 – 190 gets 21 points.
Furthermore the point system for direct entry will be released soon just as fees would still be charged for screening which has replaced the post UTME.
Universities Admission Pattern: How Admission will be conducted by JAMB
If the proposed modality for admission by JAMB is to be adopted for 2025 admission screening, below is how it will be conducted.
1. JAMB must offer a candidate an admission before such candidates qualify for screening in the institution he or she has been provisionally admitted.
This means that institutions can only screen candidates sent to them by JAMB as having been provisionally admitted to such institutions.
2. Institutions admission screening processes will now be based on point system. The first on the point system is the O’level grading.
Candidates who have only one O-level result will stand a better chance of gaining admission than candidates with 2 results. One 0’level result = 10marks/points while two O’level results = 3 marks/points.
Similarly, each grade will now have its equivalent points/marks in this manner; A=6 marks, B=4 marks, C=3 marks which means the having better grades in your O’level result gives you a better chance of securing admission.
The next to be considered on the point system is your UTME Score. Candidates will be awarded marks/points based on their 180-200=20-23 marks, 200-250=24-33 points, 251-300=34-43, 300-400=44-60 points. The higher your score, the higher your chances of securing admission.
This means that what we previously know as institutions cut-off-marks will now be known as institutions cut-off points which will be arrived at after putting all the aforementioned into consideration.
3. JAMB provisional admission is now a means to an end and not an end itself. This means that JAMB may offer a candidate provisional admissions.
And his/her institution will still deny such candidate admission because he or she comes below the cut-off point for his/her course in that institution.
For instance you may be given provisional admission to study MBBS in UNIBEN by JAMB having obtained a UTME score of 260.
If your institution’s cut-off point for medicine is 95 points and you come below that number of points after the screening, you will likely be denied admission.
4. Admission process will still put into considerations factors like catchment area and ELDS (Educationally Less Developed States) in determining the number of candidates admitted.
Admission by merit is 45%, catchment area 35% and ELDS 20%.
The issue of Science to arts ratio will still be in place. For universities Science to arts ratio will be 60:40, Polytechnics 70:30.
However for specialized institutions (Technology, Science Agriculture etc) it will be 100% related to their specialty. Also 90% of admission will go to UTME candidates while 10% will go to Direct Entry candidates.
5. Schools are still at liberty to charge a certain fee for the screening of candidates. However, the Board did not stipulate how much institutions are to charge for this.
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Universities Admission Pattern: How to Check if You are Eligible for Admission
Here is how 2025/2026 Admission Screening will be calculated;
Step 1 – Number of sittings for O’Level
1) One Sitting = 10 marks
2) Two Sittings = 3marks
Total marks obtainable = 10marks
Step 2 – O’Level Result Grading from 5 subjects
A (A1) = 6marks
B (B2, B3) = 4marks
C (C4, C5, C6) = 3marks
Total marks obtainable = 30marks
Step 3 – JAMB UTME Score Grades
Check the image below for your score grade
Total marks obtainable = 60marks
So start calculating your score now.
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Buy Past QuestionsAs one looking forward to getting into a tertiary institution, you must seek to know the university admission pattern, as it will help you greatly. Let’s get the details on how these Patterns will be conducted for the 2025/2026 session.
It is no news that the former Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission, NUC, Professor Peter Okebukola, ordered the scrapping of Post-UTME in all universities.
However, this will mean that Universities will obviously go back to the previous agreement NUC had with the Vice-Chancellor in 2004 when it introduced Post-UTME which is to screen candidates using oral interviews as well as a written essay.
Admission Guide to All Tertiary Aspirants
Students seeking admission may have received a lifeline following a new set of guidelines by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB).
Following some truth as regards universities’ admission process, the board explained that the new guidelines for the admission process were made on its website following consultations with universities and other tertiary institutions that are functioning in the country.
Candidates who have written examinations, as well as direct entry, will also have to follow the admission process. The board also made mentioned that universities would collect screening fees from candidates at the end of the admission process.
Most importantly, before a candidate can be screened, he/she must be given provisional admission by JAMB. Candidates can commence this process once the JAMB admission checker portal opens.
Also, the point system will entirely depend on the point tally of the candidate. This will now mean that “JAMB’s provisional admission will take a slightly different turn this year.
Candidates’ points will be shared out evenly using the O’level and JAMB results to get fair competition for all. Any candidate who submits one result that contains his/her relevant subjects already has 10 points.
These exam results can be NECO, WAEC, or GCE, but any candidate who has sat for the same exams twice will only get two points. So, this means that Candidates with only one result are at an advantage.
Admission Grades
Candidates with more chances of gaining admission with better grades in their O’level should have a result like this: A – 6 marks, B – 4 marks, C – 3 marks.
In addition, Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) scores also have a way of putting you in a better position of gaining admission into the university.
180 – 200 (or 20 – 23 marks), 200 – 250 (or 24 – 33 points), 251 – 300 (or 34 – 43), 300 – 400 (or 44 – 60 points) as well as five JAMB results per point will be how it will be calculated.
The admission board will make sure that a candidate with 180 – 185 gets 20 points, and a candidate with 186 – 190 gets 21 points.
More so, the point system for direct entry will be brought out soon just as there will be a fee attached to the screening as it as of now replaced post-UTME.
Universities Admission Pattern: How Admission will be Conducted by JAMB
If the proposed modality for admission by JAMB is to be adopted for 2025 admission screening, below is how it will be conducted.
1. Before an applicant is eligible for screening at the institution to which they have been provisionally admitted, JAMB must award that candidate admission.
This means that universities can only interview applicants who have been assigned to them by JAMB and who have been granted provisional admission to such universities.
2. Now, institutions will use a point system to determine which applicants to accept. The O-level grading system is the first pertinent system.
One O-level result candidate will have a higher probability of admission than candidates with two results. Two O-level results are worth three marks or points, but one 0-level result is worth ten.
A=6 marks, B=4 marks, and C=3 marks are the new equivalent points/marks for each grade, which means that getting better grades on your O-level results increases your chances of getting accepted.
Your UTME Score will be taken into consideration after the point system. Applicants will receive marks or points based on their scores in the ranges of 180–200=20–23, 200–250=24–33, 251-300=34–43, and 300–400=44–60. Your chances of being admitted are better the higher your score.
As a result, what was once known as institution cut-off marks will now be called institution cut-off points and will be determined after taking into account all of the aforementioned factors.
Important Things to Consider
3. JAMB provisional admission serves as a tool rather than an objective in and of itself. Thus, JAMB might grant a candidate temporary admission.
And because the applicant falls short of the prerequisites for the institution’s course, the candidate will still not be admitted.
For instance, if you received a UTME score of 260, JAMB would grant you temporary admission to study MBBS at UNIBEN.
If the screening yields fewer than the required 95 points for admission to your institution’s medical program, you will probably be turned down.
4. The number of applicants admitted will still be determined by the admission procedure taking into account elements like catchment area and ELDS (Educationally Less Developed States). Admission is 45% by merit, 35% by catchment region, and 20% by ELDS.
The ratio of science to arts will still be a problem. The ratio of science to the arts will be 60:40 for universities and 70:30 for polytechnics.
However, it will be exclusively relevant to their area of expertise for universities with a focus on technology, science, agriculture, etc. Moreover, UTME participants will receive 90% of admissions while Direct Entry applicants would receive 10%.
5. Schools are still free to set their own fees for candidate screening. The Board did not, however, specify a price that institutions must charge for this.
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Universities Admission Pattern: How to Check if you are Eligible for Admission
Here is how the 2025/2026 Admission Screening will be calculated;
Step 1 – Number of sittings for O’Level
1) One Sitting = 10 marks
2) Two Sittings = 3marks
Total marks obtainable = 10marks
Step 2 – O’Level Results Grading from 5 subjects
A (A1) = 6marks
B (B2, B3) = 4marks
C (C4, C5, C6) = 3marks
Total marks obtainable = 30marks
Step 3 – JAMB UTME Score Grades
Check the image below for your grade score
Total marks obtainable = 60marks
So start calculating your score now.
It is important that you know everything about your admission process, so you don’t get left out or miss out on what others are doing.
If you went through this article, you will know how important the Universities admission process is, hence, you should be particular about not trivializing it.
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